Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Money. Money. Money.

I swear, that's all people think about. Yes, money is how you make things happen, but stop worrying about it.

Stop worrying about how you are going to make money or where that money is going to come from.

Believe that you have plenty. Believe that you are abundant. Believe that your life is wonderful and just the way you want it.

That's not reality, you say?

Okay, then tell me, what is?

Is reality busting your butt everyday trying to make a dollar? Is reality giving up the happiness you've been craving, in order to make more money?

Money is just paper. Money isn't love, compassion, or kindness. Money isn't patient or understanding. Money doesn't have a heart.

But God does. And so do the people around you. The people you live with and the people who support you.

Nobody enjoys being stressed out over whether or not they will have food on the table or have a house to live in.

And for goodness sake, stop trying to do everything alone!

You aren't alone! You have soooo many people or beings who will support you and who want to lend a helping hand.

And don't ever forget that God is always willing to give a helping hand. God is your number one supporter and he has always been with you, waiting for you to ask him for help.

So, are you still going to allow money to occupy your mind and cause those grey hairs and stress wrinkles?

I'm not.

I'm Feeling Good

Even though it's only been practically one day, I have never felt better!

I sent the letter to my teachers, the school principal, and even a few family members and friends.

When I woke up today, I released my third dimensional ego and fully embraced my Higher Being. Once I let my previous actions seep in, I have never felt better!

The feeling of being trapped is no longer with me and I finally feel free and happy!

Gosh, this is the happiest I've ever been and I really hope that their others out their who can begin to feel this light happiness as well:)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Breaking Free of 3D Institution: School

This is a letter I wrote to my school. I'm so tired of putting up with things that make me unhappy, and I'm taking a stand. Enjoy:)

To All My Teachers,

          I, Jovine Marcotte, have made the decision to pull out of school and work toward my GED.

          To most, or all of you, this might seem highly illogical. I am taking the opportunity to open up to you and express my feelings, philosophy, and decisions.

          I would like for you all to take a deep breath and open your minds to what I’m about to say. Let go of all the “what-if’s” or “maybe that won’t happen” and think positive.

          Ever since 7th grade, I have realized that the school system’s method for learning does not work for me. I am passionate about learning new information; however, I choose to not partake in this learning if it is not from a pure source. The system we children are put into is dishonest, even the information is based on half-truths. The government set up these systems to basically train kids to work under a very systematic and controlled environment. I’m not trying to “rebel” or “act out”. I am simply stating the facts that I, myself, have accumulated over the years of my experience of finding a method of learning that works for me, and I have. I have found a method that has my personal interests at heart and that takes my way of thinking into consideration.

          My philosophy is this: You love God, right? Whether you’re a Christian, Baptist, Buddhist, or whatever you categorize yourself as, you love God. Put the bible aside; put your deity aside, put statistics aside and feel. You know that God loves you and you love Him. He tells you to cast your cares on him, yet you second guess that promise and start thinking that you can’t accomplish that goal because of the people around you or the world you are living in. Why would you change your train of thought to accommodate others? Isn’t the world supposed to accommodate you? Yes, sometimes it is good to make a temporary change to yourself, in order to help others relate to you, but that doesn’t mean you need to change who you are and how you feel. By changing your feelings to please others, you are basically giving up your free will.

          I have also decided to leave school because the time of Ascension is upon us and I am on the brink of reaching the pinnacle. Of course I am going to get my GED, but that comes second to Ascension. Ascension is basically accepting the love of God and allowing yourself to be released of all negative thoughts, memories, feelings, and actions, so that you can translate to God’s level and fully become one with Him. Once you have done that, nothing can stand in your way. The only thing that can stand in your way is yourself. Once you are on the path of Ascension, you will notice that you are less stressed, money is no longer an object, you are much happier…I mean, basically, you feel complete. And being complete or one with God is such a wonderful, WONDERFUL thing, and I hope you all will someday like to take part in this.

          I thank you all for your time and for helping me to conclude my research on what works best for me.

          If you are worried about how I am going to “make a living” or “get my full education” or have the job I want, be at ease. My goal, right now, is to open people up to love and light and help them to reach the love and light they have desperately been trying find. Bringing joy and happiness to others brings joy and happiness to me and that is what I will work toward until this wonderful earth is healed.

          Again, thank you for reading this. I am not seeking to be approved of because I know that God, my family, myself, and all of God’s creation are supporting me and believe in me no matter what road I so choose.

          All I ask is that you support me as well.


                                      Most Sincerely with Love and Light,

                                                Jovine Marcotte