Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Money. Money. Money.

I swear, that's all people think about. Yes, money is how you make things happen, but stop worrying about it.

Stop worrying about how you are going to make money or where that money is going to come from.

Believe that you have plenty. Believe that you are abundant. Believe that your life is wonderful and just the way you want it.

That's not reality, you say?

Okay, then tell me, what is?

Is reality busting your butt everyday trying to make a dollar? Is reality giving up the happiness you've been craving, in order to make more money?

Money is just paper. Money isn't love, compassion, or kindness. Money isn't patient or understanding. Money doesn't have a heart.

But God does. And so do the people around you. The people you live with and the people who support you.

Nobody enjoys being stressed out over whether or not they will have food on the table or have a house to live in.

And for goodness sake, stop trying to do everything alone!

You aren't alone! You have soooo many people or beings who will support you and who want to lend a helping hand.

And don't ever forget that God is always willing to give a helping hand. God is your number one supporter and he has always been with you, waiting for you to ask him for help.

So, are you still going to allow money to occupy your mind and cause those grey hairs and stress wrinkles?

I'm not.

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